Published on 10/05/2018 11:12 am
Important Tips To File Your Car Insurance Claim Correctly
No matter where you are and who you are, if you own a car you must have a comprehensive car insurance plan in place. It’s been suggested for nearly a decade now, a car insurance safeguards you from the repairing cost of your car, and that of the third party if you ever meet a car accident. On that note, if you haven’t done it yet, do it now! Find a good insurance scheme and subscribe to it before you end up emptying your pockets while paying the repairing cost of your car.
Moving on, if you ever meet an accident, here are the steps you should follow to receive a claim from your insurer.
- File an FIR: The first thing first, you must have proper evidence while filing a claim. Hence, the first thing you must do whenever you meet an accident is, call the cops. File an FIR and obtain a photocopy. Make sure you mention every single detail while registering the FIR.
- Intimate the insurance provider: Second step is to aware the insurer about the accident if you are capable of doing that. It helps them gear up and help you in the best possible manner.
- Collect all the relevant evidence: Next, collect all the relevant evidence and information which you might strengthen your claim.
- Type of claim you want to file: Also, you have to decide the type of claim you want to make. An accident victim has two options: (1) third-party insurance claim, made mostly to the other party’s insurance provider and (2) general claim made to reimburse the repairing cost.
- Receive the No-Trace Certificate from the police: In case your car is stolen and the police aren’t able to trace it, you’ll need the No-Trace certificate from the police to file the claim and receive the compensation.
In the end, when everything else is done, file the claim.
Related Read: 6 Smart Tips To File Your Car Insurance Claim Correctly

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